Making The Most Of Your Commercial Refrigeration Unit

Posted on: 1 June 2015

If you have invested in commercial refrigeration for your business, chances are it took up a tidy sum of your money. As such, most business owners would want to ensure that their unit stay in tip top condition for as long as possible. However, if the right maintenance measures are not followed, you will end up indulging in costly repairs before your equipment's time. Here are some handy ways of making the most of your commercial refrigeration unit whilst saving money on repair and replacement.

Keep its condenser clean

One of the biggest culprits of a faulty condenser is dust and grime. If you are not cleaning the compressor coils on a regular basis, you will find that debris will cake on them and this hinders the condenser's ability to perform its tasks efficiently. It begins to work harder and use more energy to compensate, and this will reflect in your energy bill. Additionally, as it overworks itself, the condenser becomes strained and chances are it will burn out sooner than it should. Overall, ensuring that the compressor coils are dirt-free will not only extend the condenser's life span, but will also help you save money on your energy bills.

Properly store all acidic foods

Generally, the rule of thumb when storing items in a commercial refrigeration unit is to keep everything covered to prevent any cross-contamination from occurring. However, you need to pay particular attention to acidic foods. If these foods are left opened and a spill occurs, your unit will be at risk of corrosion. In addition, foods such as pickles and pureed tomatoes contain acids, which could easily damage your refrigerant lines if a spill goes unchecked for a period of time. Use plastic containers with tight lids to avoid any mishaps that could take a while to notice.

Clean the unit's drain

These units tend to come with a drain at their base. The drain works toward acting as a pathway that eliminates the condensation that has occurred. The excess liquid is funneled out onto a drip pan, where it undergoes evaporation and the cycle continues. If the unit's drain has any blockages in the form of dirt or grime, the condensation will build up, as it will not have an escape route. This will lead to interior flooding of your unit and excessive ice in the freezer. This scenario also leads to the overworking of your condenser. Overall, if the situation is not remedied, then your unit will have to be repaired or replaced.
